Setting Up The Perfect Work Space!

Setting up your workspace is one of the very first steps to working from home. You are going to create space that inspires you to work. For some people that might mean that it is tucked away from everyone else. It may be in a separate office. For other people that might mean just having a desk in the living room. The trick is to find what works best for you.

There are a few things to consider when deciding where to set up your work station.

  1. What Type of work will you be doing?  If you are going to be taking phone calls, more than likely it will be a requirement to have a quiet space. The best way to ensure you are able to provide this is to have your workspace in a separate room. This way, when you are working you can close the door.
  2. What type of environment do you work best? Some people can work with a number of distractions around them. I am not that type of person. I need a quiet space to go so I can focus. If you are like me, you may consider setting up your space away from everything else. Even if it is a corner or nook in your home. The trick is to have a place where you can sit down and be able to focus on the task at hand.
  3. What other responsibilities do you have? You may have other things that may prevent you from locking yourself away in a separate room to work. It could be something like you have young children or pets that you need to keep an eye on while working. In that case, you may want to set up your office in a space where your children or pets and play or you may need to set it up in the main space of your home.


Okay, so now you have decided where your space will be. Now you need to figure out what you need to work. These are items that you need to do your work or that help make it easier to do your work.

Here is a list of what I have in my work space.

  • Laptop & Charger
  • Phone Charger
  • Coffee cup with pens in it
  • Essential oil defuser
  • Favorite Essential oils
  • Blanket (on the back of my chair)
  • Notebooks
  • Planner
  • Photos of family
  • Vision Board
  • Desk Lamp
  • Wireless mouse

I like to keep my workspace clean and organized so I do not have too many items there. The important thing is to have the things you need to work as well as things that make you happy.

Now that you have figured out where your space is and what will be in it, the next step is to set it up. When setting up your space you want to make sure it is a workable space. What that means will differ from person to person. 

Personally, I like for everything to have a place. I only have out what I am using and when I am done I put it away.  Let me know in the comments how you set up your work space and how you work best!


15 thoughts on “Setting Up The Perfect Work Space!

  1. this is great knowledge,so very useful I have a few of the items in your list at my workspace. it’s interesting how items totally not work related can help with a working atmosphere .
    Thanks for sharing.


  2. I’ve come to really appreciate having my desk in the living room, so I can still be near my wife when she’s home from work and I’m still doing work, and we kind of have an agreement that she lets me work and won’t disturb me too much.


  3. I’m about to move into a new apartment and I’m already thinking about how I want my home office to be so this post was well timed. Some great advice here, especially about environment. I know that I work best in a room with lots of natural light, so I’m hoping to have my desk against the window.


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